October 18, 2017 • Ametros UpdatesIndustry Insights

Marques Torbert at The Comp Laude Awards & Gala!


This year at the Comp Laude Awards and Gala, put on by Workcompcentral, our CEO, Marques Torbert, is not only speaking at three different sessions, but is also nominated for an award!

The Comp Laude Awards and Gala is taking place from Monday, October 30th, to November 1st at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, California. 

First, Marques will be participating in the People's Choice Awards on October 31st at 2:30PM with a TED-style talk  on how to measure humanity and motivation in workers' compensation.

Marques will be speaking again on Wednesday, November 1st at the 2:30-3:30PM session on Funding and Administering the MSA Account. This session will go over many key points regarding MSA's including: 

1. What can the MSA Account pay for? How much can it pay for medical care?
2. The advantages and disadvantages of self-administering the MSA Account
3. The advantages and disadvantages of professionally administering the MSA account. 

Marques is also nominated for the Comp Laude Award! 

Are you attending the Comp Laude Awards and Gala and want to learn more about Ametros and how we can help you Settle Well? Stop by booth #5! 

About Ametros 

Ametros is changing the way individuals navigate healthcare by providing them with the tools and support necessary to make savvy decisions on how to spend their funds. Ametros' team works closely with patients, insurers, employers, attorneys, medical providers and Medicare to create a seamless experience for their clients. For more information, visit ametros.com.

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