October 8, 2019 • Industry Insights

CMS Releases Updated Medicare Set Aside Portal User Guide for Upcoming Electronic Attestation Submission

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On October 7, 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released an updated Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set Aside Portal (WCMSAP) User Guide (version 5.9). The updated User Guide can be found here. In pertinent part, the updates in this version involve enhancements and changes to allow for electronic submission of annual attestation information. As we had previously reported on, CMS plans to allow for individuals (their representatives) and professional administrators, like Ametros, to submit electronic attestations via the WCMSAP. In the “Summary of Version 5.9 Updates” section, it’s stated in relevant part that: 

To reduce the need for paper processing of submitted attestations, the WCMSAP now allows Self and Representative account users, and beneficiary self-administrators logging in via MyMedicare.gov to submit annual attestations online. In addition, there is a new account type of Professional Administrator. These users can submit account transactions via input file submissions and download response files online, allowing them to administer and keep detailed records for a WCMSA account without the need for submitting an attestation (changes have been made throughout the user guide).

As we also reported, upcoming webinars by CMS will address the new electronic attestation submission process. Ametros commends CMS on adding electronic attestation functionality to the WCMSAP and we will be providing a more in-depth look at this new process following the upcoming webinars. In the interim, if you have any questions related to electronic attestation submission, updates to the WCMSAP or the User Guide, please do not hesitate to contact Shawn Deane: sdeane@ametros.com

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