March 19, 2018 • Industry InsightsLegislative & Regulatory

There’s A New MSA Review Contractor in Town!

signing documents

CMS has publicly introduced their new Workers’ Compensation Review Contractor (WCRC) to replace Provider Resources Inc (PRI). This handover from PRI to Capitol Bridge LLC will go live on 3/19/2018. Holly Havens, Project Director of Capitol Bridge, stresses the importance of implementing a fully automated system including stronger customer service, faster review turnaround times, and highly trained staff to support the community.

What changes to look for?

While there are no major changes to the system, new contact information for Capitol Bridge can be found below and also in the materials.
Customer Service: 833-295-3773 (9am-5pm EST) – Located in Pittsford, NY
Fax: 585-425-5390

What’s staying the same?

  • Submission methods and the entire review system will remain the same. Submissions must be posted through the portal or sent by USPS mail. These submissions must include a case number.
  • Reviewers will still have 20 business days to complete a review. The reviewer has 10 days to notify submitter of a development issue that needs attention. Once information is received from the submitter, the reviewer has 20 days from the time of receipt of info to complete the final review.
  • Turnaround time deadlines
  • Fund calculations will remain the same and be based on the current CMS policy.
  • CMS/MSA Guidelines. Please check the CMS website for the most up to date information.

Any current case, file, and personal information will automatically transfer to Capitol Bridge. With increased focus on technology and streamlined processing, Havens sees no potential backlog throughout the transition process.

What do you think about this change? Will it be as seamless as expected, or will we see complications similar to previous transitions? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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