March 8, 2021 • Industry InsightsLegislative & Regulatory

The BCRC’s Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal Epay Option is Now Available

In efforts to assist the Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center (BCRC) in spreading the word in the industry about certain functionality available to potentially assist claims payers, beneficiaries and their representatives, we wanted to share the BCRC release below.

The new payment feature described below is available through the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP) via The MSPRP is a web-based portal which allows authorized users to access information and conduct particular activities as it relates to Medicare conditional payments.

Please note that Ametros does not handle conditional payments nor do we assist with these types of debts/payments. Please refer to the release below for additional details and please direct any questions to the BCRC EDI Help Desk Department at (646) 458-6740.

MSPRP Epay Option

Did you know that Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Portal (MSPRP) users have the ability to submit payments for demands via the portal?  This will ensure the debt is accurately tracked, and applied to their debt. If you already manage your cases in the portal, no additional user access or authorization is required.

 The MSPRP now interfaces with, a secure government-wide collection portal that provides automated financial transaction processing and electronically transfers funds directly into the appropriate Treasury account.  The portal can process collections via Automated Clearing House (ACH) direct debit, debit card, and PayPal in an efficient and timely manner. 

 Authorized users can initiate payment through the MSPRP.  They will be automatically directed to with the payment amount pre-populated. Once the payment is submitted, they will be returned to the MSPRP and be able to view a payment summary.  The payment summary can be printed and serve as payment confirmation. The payment confirmation will include a status but no other sensitive payment information. For more information, visit

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