October 31, 2019 • EducationIndustry Insights

CMS Holds Webinar on Electronic Attestation for Self-Administration

CMS webinar blog image

On October 30, 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) held a webinar entitled, “Workers’ Compensation Enhancement Webinar for Self-Administration and Representative Account Users.” John Jenkins, from CMS, presented the material. The webinar covered topics regarding enhancements to the Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set Aside Portal (WCMSAP) as it relates to the submission of electronic attestation information from the perspective of self-administration. As we’ve previously reported, a subsequent webinar for professional administrators will be held on November 6, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

This presentation covered functionality for users accessing the WCMSAP (“portal”) through MyMedicare.gov in order to submit electronic attestation, as well as the functionality and process for doing so.

Some high-level points from the webinar to note:

  • Portal Self-Account and Representative users and Medicare beneficiaries who have access from the portal via MyMedicare.gov will have the ability to submit a yearly attestation if they are identified as the administrator on the case.
  • The portal will now allow users to access cases that were submitted via mail/CD-ROM. Users will be able to view all cases on the portal regardless of how they were submitted.
  • Users will have the ability to upload documentation along with their attestation, but this will not be a required step.
  • Only Medicare beneficiaries (with access to MyMedicare.gov) will be able to utilize the electronic attestation submission process. Self-administrators who are not yet Medicare beneficiaries will not be able to use this process until they are enrolled in Medicare and have access to MyMedicare.gov
  • For self-administered accounts, bank records are not required to be uploaded. They are optional, but CMS will accept them.
  • A recording and slides of this presentation will be available on CMS.gov shortly.

Mr. Jenkins walked through the account set-up, login and electronic attestation submission steps in detail utilizing screenshots from the portal.

Of note it was mentioned that MSA submitters, during the submission process, should indicate if the MSA will be professionally administered as this will prevent delays in the professional administrator being assigned to the case submission.

Ametros applauds CMS for rolling out electronic attestation submission functionality for self and professional administrators. While this will be an option for individuals, CMS “highly recommends” parties resolving any claim with future medicals utilize professional administration. Professional administration provides assurances for compliance, treatment and care. It also takes the complexity and administrative burden off the injured party for reporting attestation information. Ametros will provide an update following the upcoming webinar for professional administration. Should you have any questions on electronic attestation submission or professional administration, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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