Industry Insights Ametros at the NWCDC! We are exhibiting at the National Workers' Compensation & Disability Conference & Expo again this... more November 29, 2017 • Ametros
Ametros Updates How Do You Pronounce Our Name? Being a Boston-based company, we understand that pronunciation is wicked hard. Ah-met-tros?... more November 17, 2017 • Ametros
Ametros Updates Ametros Announces Growth Investment From Long Ridge Equity Partners Ametros Financial Corporation, the industry leader in post-settlement medical administration, announced today that it has received a growth... more November 14, 2017 • Melissa Coleman
Education Showing Empathy Moves Workers’ Comp Claims to Settlement An injured worker with an open claim for 15 years finally agreed to settle, and it all came down to an extra $2,000 - $3,000 for a much... more November 14, 2017 • Michael Stack
Ametros Updates Ametros Sales Spotlight: Debbie Wilson We caught up with Debbie to hear about her experience and love for Ametros! Debbie resides in Costa Mesa, California and has been with... more November 10, 2017 • Ametros
Industry Insights • Legislative & Regulatory Arizona Full and Final Settlements: What You Need to Know As of November 1st, Senate Bill 1332 will allow for Arizona full and final workers’ compensation settlements. This new law allows future... more October 27, 2017 • Ametros
Education How Do You Coordinate Your Benefits? Ametros’ Benefits Advisory Team works with settlements, cases, and members on how to coordinate and preserve federal, state, and local... more October 21, 2017 • Krista Johnson
Ametros Updates • Industry Insights Marques Torbert at The Comp Laude Awards & Gala! This year at the Comp Laude Awards and Gala, put on by Workcompcentral, our CEO, Marques Torbert, is not only speaking at three different... more October 18, 2017 • Ametros
Ametros Updates Ametros Now Has a Full-Service Team Serving as Benefit Advisors! metros now has a full-service benefits advisory team for settlements, cases, and members involving preservation of federal, state and local... more October 16, 2017 • Ametros
Industry Insights • Legislative & Regulatory LMSA Timeline: What We Know So Far It’s October 13th, and we still haven’t heard word on the liability review process. The memo that was expected from the Centers for... more October 16, 2017 • Melissa Coleman
Industry Insights Marques Torbert & Porter Leslie Speaking at the 2017 WILG Annual Convention This year's convention is October 16-18 at The Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. Porter will be speaking at the 10:15AM session on... more October 16, 2017 • Ametros
Ametros Updates Telehealth Now Offered for CareGuard Members! AMETROS ANNOUNCES PARTNERSHIP TO OFFER TELEHEALTH SERVICES October 2, 2017 WILMINGTON, Mass. – Ametros has announced their partnership... more October 16, 2017 • Ametros