January 7, 2019 • Ametros Updates

Top 5 Blog Posts of the Year 2018

typing on laptop with latte

As we look back on the past year and analyze what content our members and clients enjoy reading, we found the top 5 most-viewed blog posts and articles of the year.

1. 8 Questions from Attorneys About Medicare Set Aside Administration

With over 2,000 views since January, this article has been shared throughout dozens of audiences. Learn what industry experts have to say about some questions they receive from clients during the MSA and professional administration process

2. Top 10 MSA Self-Admin Mistakes to Avoid

It’s time to find out about the most common mistakes made in the industry from spending Medicare set aside money, to Medicare eligibility, and everything in between. Bonus video included and features a whitepaper available for download! 

3. Arizona Full & Final Settlements: What You Need to Know

We did a deep dive into last year’s notice on Full and Final Settlements in Arizona. Learn about how this recent law will affect future medical claims. There are several moving pieces in a full and final settlement, so find out how you can involve professional administration to the process, no matter what party you are, to ensure a smooth transition.

4. MSA Compliance: The Truth is in the Calls

We’re covering some interesting stats about Medicare set aside compliance, and what the industry has seen in 2018. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) new contractor, Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC), have been increasingly active in investigating annual reporting. Stay in the know, and learn how you can save yourself or your client from exhaustion and denial of benefits.

5. Professional Administration: Medicare Set Asides 101

This is really the most basic-level knowledge on professional administration and ties in Medicare set asides. A perfect length and easy read for those new to the subject, and those looking to become experts about what a professional administrator is, how you can benefit from involving one, and more. It’s a relatively older post, but still has an incredible amount of popularity!

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