WCI-TV 2019 Marques Torbert Interview Measuring Success Video & Transcript
"Welcome back to the WCI-TV studio brought to you by our MSA Partners. I'm Kimberly Bottom and I'm your host here at the studio - and Marques Torbert is back for year number two from Ametros. Thank you for coming back." [Kimberly Bottom]
"Thanks for having me." [Marques Torbert]
"I love talking to you every year because you know the topics the subjects change, and you've got a different perspective on our tracking metrics theme here, so tell me what Ametros tracks that's a little different for most companies." [Kimberly]
"Yeah I mean I would say the first thing is that as a company we're a little different in the space because while a lot of focus is placed on what happens to a claim, an injured worker in the whole process prior to a settlement, our company really comes into focus after a case settles. And so, because we're involved after a case settles, our real focus quite honestly is on the injured worker - the person who's been most tragically impacted out of this whole process. We're working to make sure that they have everything that they need after a case settles, including access to all their medical care, we’re helping them review their bills, making sure they're not being taken advantage of. There's also a compliance element that we have as well - so it's a ton of stuff that goes into that that I think some folks forget about." [Marques]
"Right exactly! You know it doesn't end right when they're going back to work, you've got somebody who's got a recover - so tell me then what are the KPIs that you track to measure success?" [Kimberly]
"Yes, there's a few. Everything is focused on ensuring that injured worker has had a great post-settlement experience. So, a couple are savings; so we track actually how many dollars are we saving the injured workers that we help manage their medical care. This year we will save over twenty million dollars alone for the injured workers we have on our platform. We also track first call resolution. So, when an injured worker calls in, obviously we're helping folks all the time, so how quickly can we help them answer their problems, and how often do we get it right on the first try. So that's a metric. The customer satisfaction perspective we also do some Net Promoter Score sort of tracking, so twice a year we send out surveys to all of the injured workers / ‘members’ we call them on our platform, to get feedback and we look at how are we tracking. You know the most recent one show 81% of the folks that we help manage rated us have an extremely pleasant experience. 40% said they would highly recommend us, and that's again something that keeps us on our toes and makes sure that we're doing what we should be doing for these for these folks. We've had again - a very traumatic life-changing injury." [Marques]
"Yeah and to have them, you know, after that kind of experience, say that it's been a pleasant experience - it's got to feel pretty good right?" [Kimberly]
"It does, it does. It's really, really great. I mean we really look at ourselves as saying - once these folks have settled, they have these funds and they no longer have anyone to look out for them. For so long they've had the insurance companies or the payers helping to take care of them, helping to provide them with services. Their attorney is involved, and now everyone sort of wipes their hands and walks away, and so we're there to really help them. It feels really good. Actually, one of our protocols we have is that we give our customer service team, called ‘member care’, the opportunity to send flowers to injured workers throughout the year - so another tape how we measure. They go through things like floods, and wildfires, and hurricanes and things like that, so it's a thing again that makes us sleep well at night." [Marques]
"Which is great because you know really this is about the human component. I know it's a lot of paperwork and it's a lot of processes and procedures, but the end of the day we're all humans taking care of each other, right?" [Kimberly]
"We are!" [Marques]
"Well thank you so much for keeping on, you know, fighting the good fight. After all of the settlement is over and making sure that people are living their lives to their fullest, that's a great part of this addition." [Kimberly]
"No really, I appreciate it. Again, thanks for having me." [Marques]
"Absolutely, well thank you for watching. This has been the WCI-TV Studio brought to you by Tower MSA partners. More interviews to come, so don't go anywhere. I'm Kimberly Bottom thanks for watching." [Kimberly]