Medicare Set Aside Educational Videos
Questions About Closing Your Open Medical Claim & Life After Settlement? We’re Here to Help
Ametros understands just how confusing settling a workers’ compensation or liability claim can be. As the leader in professional administration, we want to make sure you have the resources and support you need to manage your care after settlement.
Professional Administration Takes the Guesswork Out of Managing Your Care
You might have already gone through a stressful and difficult time and may be confused about what settling means for you, especially when a Medicare Set Aside is involved, or how you will manage your care and reporting to Medicare after your claim has closed. Professional Administration is set up to help with your medical care after a personal injury settlement.
Helpful Resources Made for You
We know there are often many questions when settling with an MSA and we want to make sure you have the resources you need to settle confidently. Check out these helpful videos to learn the basics of Medicare Set Asides, how professional administration can help you manage your care after settlement, and protect your Medicare benefits.
Learn how Medicare Set Asides work and why they are important to consider when settling your future medical claim.
What You’ll Learn:
- What is a Medicare Set Aside (MSA)?
- How did MSAs come to be?
- When is an MSA applicable?
- How can an MSA be used in a settlement process?
- How do I know if my MSA is enough?
Learn how professional administration helps you manage your doctor appointments, prescriptions, annual Medicare reporting, and future medical expenses after closing your open medical claim.
What You’ll Learn:
- How Professional Administration helps you manage and simplify your care after closing your open medical claim
- How Professional Administration helps you fulfill your responsibilities to Medicare and how protect your future benefits
- Why Medicare highly recommends you consider the use of a Professional Administrator to help manage your future medical funds
The Ametros Resource Center has a collection of useful videos, brochures, and links to help you learn about Workers' Compensation, Medicare Set Asides, and more.